Archive for September, 2012

o fortuna

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

“What am I supposed to do when the best part of me is always you.”

Time is such a tricky, marvelous thing. It ticks slowly, for let’s say you are in class and the mundane voice is sleep producing. Yet, when we think about it yesterday is gone in a blink of an eye.

Love lasts a lifetime. It is such a precious thing. A rare gem, mineral, pearl that you stumble one two few times. The best part is when it is pure. When two minds and soul join together as one. The world is their oyster. They could entertain themselves for hours and still find something to laugh about. They don’t compete negatively and are absolutely honest because lying to the other is akin to lying to yourself.

I will be gone soon and at first in the start of the year I dream of solitude of 50 grey walls high, i dream of listening to the sound of oceans crashing and the babbling brooks, i dream to live in a house of books and teas and cats and memories. Alone.
And then i met you.
Now all i want is to share it all with you. Come with me in this solitude of forest and it shall be us against the world.
Like Bonnie&Clyde, we ride against the wind.
Like Romeo&Juliet; Tristan&Isolde, only death can tear us apart.
Nothing else.

Recent news.

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Alright, so I was looking over my twitter news feed and noticed the tags ‘U.S EMBASSY’ and then I saw my own twitter feed and everyone seems to be upset. Naturally I went on Google and found out that Sam Bacile made a movie/script depicting Muhamed and how dumb he is as well as a womanizer, and this incited anger in half of the world’s muslims. People left and right are either really mad at what he did, thinking it’s unfair or saying, so the f what? Your religion tells you not to depict us, but not us right?

But the thing with the second type of people is that they don’t understand how this affects an individual. In my opinion upon learning the Holy Verses, we are not allowed to depict prophet Muhamed because we do not want the people to pray to Muhamed and not God (Allah). (We wish well of him, but we do not go to him to seek forgiveness and repentance, for example. We look up to him because he is a messenger of God but he is not God.) You may think, that’s dumb to get confused but there are people out there who are extreme to the teachings, we can agree to this. Therefore, if we were allowed to depict Muhamed, people might get misguided during the years and years to come and eventually pray to him and not God (Allah). And that is not what Islam is about. It’s a peaceful religion, much like most religion. It does not wish to seek ill of others.

And this is why we do not depict him and as a member of society, shouldn’t one be more sensitive about other people’s race/religion and so forth? 

Let me be crystal clear, as a Muslim, I do not agree how they killed Chris Stevens in Libya because from my point of view, he was innocent. It wasn’t as if he wrote the script and shot the film. He had his own wife and children and his own set of problems and dealings and life. Start with violence and it’ll end in bloodshed.

This got the world’s and media attention in a negative way and from a non Muslim point of view, I can see why you would say hateful words about muslims but all of it could have been avoided. If we were to discuss this and you say, oh it’s freedom of speech. I would smile and respond, “Put yourself in other people’s shoes before acting out.”

Simple. We need to put ourselves in other’s shoes. You were rude to that bus driver, you dissed a homeless man, you insulted your grandmother, you slammed the door to your parents. Put yourself in their shoes, how they felt, what they were going through. They have feelings just like you.